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Getting Updates

As mentioned in the introduction, the Bot class provides a method to get updates.

Updates Methods

You can pass 3 updates methods:

  • null: No updates are expected from Telegram, is set as default.
  • Update::UPDATES_FROM_GET_UPDATES: Get updates from the getUpdates() method.
  • Update::UPDATES_FROM_WEBHOOK: Get updates from php://input.

Get Updates


use TelegramSDK\BotAPI\Telegram\Bot;

// With getUpdates()

$updates = $bot->updates();
foreach($updates->result as $update){
echo json_encode($update) . "\n";


use TelegramSDK\BotAPI\Telegram\Bot;

// A webhook must be set

$update = $bot->updates();
echo (json_encode($update) ?? "No updates found.") . "\n";

Default Updates

The library provides general default updates to use.

$update = $bot->updates();
$message = $update->getMessage();

Here's a list of the currently available methods:

  • getLastUpdateId(): The last update's identifier.
  • getMessage: New incoming message of any kind - text, photo, sticker, etc.
  • getChat: The chat object of the last update.
  • getUser: The user object of the last update.
  • getTrigger: Returns the trigger of the update. (i.e. A command, a caption, a callback data, ...)